Saturday, September 09, 2006

Life @ IISc

Indian institute of Science, IIsc, Premier Insti in India... Dept of management studies, The oldest management school in the Country... And more than one montha fter the course started I am having serious doubts whether am worthy of this... Every person around me has better academic records than me, are more qualified to be better managers, better understanding... In short all that is neede to be an MBA and all that is lacking in me, is in them. The course per se is not stressful. The life here is fun but still...

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Last few days in pune

More than one month since I came to bangalore... I have actually begun to do my assignments on my own (My engineering friends will find it hard to believe... but miracles do happen). Attend all the lectures and actually stay awake through a major part of the night trying to make sense of what is taught in the lecture...
I saw a Ekankika yesterday at the Maharashtra Mandal at Bangalore. It was called "Vidhilikhit". This has been the maximum time that I have been totally away from Natak(not even as audience..) So u all can well imagine how excited I was about seeing the paly. The play talked about whether is the "Vidhilikhit" actually pre defined? A really enjoyable play (a lot of sci fi stuff though), excellent acting by the protagonist (He's my friend so no harm in praising him) and super technical support... However the sci fi nature of the play reduced its impact. But seeing a play in Bangalore after so many days... man was I excited..... More about the nataks later though....


Purushottam karandak.. Elims over... Finals next week ... The BIGGEST inter collegiate one act play competition. AND ME IN BANGALORE.... Missing Purushottam a hellova lot...Pune is home to a huge number of comepetitions, however Purushottam still remains the most revered... Why? The answer cannot be written down.. It is what you experience while in the hall of Bharat Natya Mandir during, before and after the show.. The shouting, jeering and cheering.. the intense rivalry between teams.. and of course the extermely talented people performing thought provocing plays. for me the magic of purushottam would begin from even befor the play practice starts. selecting the script, casting the charaters (the lack of girls in our college to cast) and discussions over infinite cups of chai. And when the practice starts, again the fights with team mates, bunking lectures for practice and taking contributions from everyone for the play. The sweat that goes in behind staging the play, the god-only knows-how many hours of practice... all these and many more reasons why Purushottam is Purushottam.. May the best team win...